It's a no-brainer adding this monster of a card into this month's extreme build. With a 980 in your rig you can expect nothing less than absolutely blistering performance for years to come. The one in the images is EVGA GeForce GTX 980 Superclocked ACX 2.0 and priced $569.99. You'll definitely be the envy of other gamers - not everyone can afford to throw down $570 on a video card. But if you're a hardcore gamer that loves 100% flawless high-end gaming on massive displays, you won't regret it. This is not yet launched in India but soon might. so guys start saving for this ultimate gaming machine as it will cost around Rs. 30k. You can check all the tech specs here.
Sharing For Beginners
Monday, March 23, 2015
Nvidia EVGA GTX 980 Superclocked 4GB GPU
It's a no-brainer adding this monster of a card into this month's extreme build. With a 980 in your rig you can expect nothing less than absolutely blistering performance for years to come. The one in the images is EVGA GeForce GTX 980 Superclocked ACX 2.0 and priced $569.99. You'll definitely be the envy of other gamers - not everyone can afford to throw down $570 on a video card. But if you're a hardcore gamer that loves 100% flawless high-end gaming on massive displays, you won't regret it. This is not yet launched in India but soon might. so guys start saving for this ultimate gaming machine as it will cost around Rs. 30k. You can check all the tech specs here.
The New Razer Naga Epic Chroma Gaming Mouse
The Razer Naga Epic Chroma features a total of 19 buttons, including the iconic Razer Naga’s 12 button thumb grid to maximize the actions at your disposal. Now letting youmap and access even more abilities, macros,as well as controls, the Razer Naga EpicChroma makes it easy to hit the right button at the Right time. You can buy this master piece of art here.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
- Intranets use standard protocols. Internet protocols such as TCP/IP are used on a huge number of diverse computers. More development is happening for.
- Internet-based communication than other types of communication. For example, intranet users can choose from a wide variety of e-mail programs, because so many have been written for the Internet.
- Intranets are scalable. TCP/IP works fine on the Internet, which has millions of host computers. So you don’t have to worry about your network outgrowing its communications protocol.
- Intranet components are relatively cheap and some are free. Because the Internet started as an academic and military network (rather than a commercial one), there is a long tradition of free, cheap, and cooperative software development. Some of the best Internet software is free, including Apache (the most widely used Web server), Pegasus, and Eudora Lite (two excellent e-mail client programs).
- Intranets enable you to set up Internet-style information services. You can have your own private Web, using Web servers on your intranet to serve Web pages to members of your organization only. You can also support chat, Usenet, telnet, FTP, or other Internet services privately on your network. Push technology (Web channels) can deliver assignments, job status, and group schedules to the users desktop via his or her browser.
- Intranets let people share their information. Everyone in your organization can make their information available to other employees by creating Web pages for the intranet. Because many word processing programs can now save documents as Web pages, creating pages for an intranet does not require a lot of training. Rather than printing and distributing reports, people can put them on the intranet and send e-mail to tell everyone where the report is stored.
- Intranets cost money. You may need to upgrade computers, buy new software, run new cabling, and teach people to use the new systems.
- People in your organization may waste time. If you connect your intranet to the Internet, people may spend hours a week watching sports results or checking their stock options.
- You will need policies in place to determine how the intranet may be used.
How to send mail from outlook using C # Application
Sending email using outlook from your C# application is a good idea. You don’t need to store your email account credential in database / file. You don’t need to check for internet connection (outlook will send email automatically when connected to internet).
For sending email using outlook from your c# application you will need to add Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook reference to your project.
after adding this reference to project we are ready to write code for sending email.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook; namespace OutlookEmailExample { class SendMail { public bool SendEmail(string Subject, string To, string Body) { try { // Create the Outlook application by using inline initialization. Outlook.Application oApp = new Outlook.Application(); //Create the new message by using the simplest approach. Outlook.MailItem oMsg = (Outlook.MailItem)oApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem); //set basic properties oMsg.Subject = Subject;// "This is the subject of the test message"; oMsg.To = To; oMsg.Body = Body; // "This is the text in the message."; oMsg.Send(); // sending email return true; } catch (Exception ee) { throw ee; } } } }
Above code demonstrate the easiest approach to create and send email using outlook from your c# application. It creates a outlook application object, a mail message sets some properties like subject, to, body and send the email.
Using code: To send email from your application you will need to create an object of class SendMail and call SendEmail method of the class.
SendMail sm = new SendMail(); sm.SendEmail("mail subject", "", "mail body");
We can add CC and BCC:
oMsg.CC = ""; oMsg.BCC = "";
Note: sending email using outlook from application may take long time so use the above code in background thread.
We can also send HTML email message too..
oMsg.BodyFormat = Outlook.OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML; //setting mail type to HTML oMsg.HTMLBody = Body; // setting HTML body message
by setting body format to html we can send HTML mail from our email application.
I hope this will help someone. :)
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Sending Email using JavaMail API
In this post i am going to provide source code for sending email from our java application. There can be many cases when you may need to send email from your application. JavaMail API is used for sending email from java application.
Below code demonstrate how to send email from your Gmail account using JavaMail API. You can edit the source code for sending email from your desired email provider, for doing this you will need to provide smtp host and smtp port for your email provider. Replace the smtphost and smtpPort in the program.
Note: replace username , pass and to with your account’s username, password and to with the email address you want to send email.
You can Download JavaMail API from this link
* SendMail class Demonstrate using JavaMail API to send email
* The code uses gmail account as sender account, you can use any email provider.
* set smtphost and smtpPort for the desired email provider.
* Replace username and pass with your account's username and password.
* Replace toAddress with the email address to whom you want to send email.
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;
import java.util.*;
class SendMail
String smtphost = "";
String smtpPort ="587";
Session session;
MimeMessage message1;
String username = "";
String pass = "your_pwd";
String to ="toAddress";
public static void main(String args[])
SendMail sm = new SendMail();
public void createMessage()
//smtp properties
Properties prop = new Properties();
prop.put("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
prop.put("", smtphost);
prop.put("mail.smtp.user", username);
prop.put("mail.smtp.password", pass);
prop.put("mail.smtp.port", smtpPort);
prop.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
session = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop);
message1 = new MimeMessage(session);
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Connetction "+e);
//send mail method
public void sendMail(String receiptentAddress,String Subject,String messageText)
//counstructor will be called
String sendto = receiptentAddress;
String msg = messageText;
String sub = Subject;
String frm = username;
String pas = pass;
message1.setFrom(new InternetAddress(frm));
message1.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress (sendto));
Transport transport = session.getTransport("smtp");
transport.connect(smtphost, frm, pas);
System.out.println("Sending mail..");
transport.sendMessage(message1, message1.getAllRecipients());transport.close();
}catch(Exception e)
Monday, November 25, 2013
How to add controls on AWT Frame
Some most common controls:
Declaration Syntax:
Label _label1 = new Label(“Label Text”);
in above syntax we have declared and initialized a label with the text “Label Text”.
Code for adding a label on the frame:
import java.awt.*; class LabelExample { //declaring frame object Frame _frame; //declaring label object Label label1; LabelExample() { _frame = new Frame("Window Title"); // initializing frame _frame.setSize(200,200); // The setSize method will set the heigth and width of the frame. _frame.setLayout(null); // setting frame's layout to null so that we can add control(s) on the frame at specific location label1 = new Label("Label 1"); // Intialising Label with the text "Label 1" // setBounds method is used to set the label position, height and width of the label // syntax for setBounds(xPos,yPos,width,height) label1.setBounds(50,40,50,20); _frame.add(label1); // add method will add the label on the frame; // show() method will display the frame at runtime. } public static void main(String args[]) { new LabelExample(); } }
TextField is a very common and basic control which allows users to enter small amount of text in a single line.
TextField text_field = new TextField(20);
We can specify the maximum number of the columns (characters) allowed for the text field by passing the value in the constructor. It the above syntax i have used 20 as the maximum number, you can use any number according to your requirement.
code for adding text field on the frame:
import java.awt.*; class TextFieldExample { Frame fob; TextField text_field; TextFieldExample() { fob= new Frame("Window Title"); fob.setSize(200,200); // setSize will set the heigth and width of the frame fob.setLayout(null); text_field = new TextField(20); // initializing textfield with maximum 20characters length text_field.setBounds(40,70,100,20); // setting textfield on the frame fob.add(text_field); // adding textfield on the frame; // display the frame on the runtime } public static void main(String args[]) { new TextFieldExample(); } }
We all are familiar with button, they allow user to perform some operation like: save / close / open or to perform any other action related with the task.
Button button1 = new Button("Button1");
We have passed a string “Button1” in constructor of the Button class, it will set the button text to “Button1”.
import java.awt.*; class ButtonExample { Frame _frame; Button button1; ButtonExample() { _frame= new Frame("Window Title"); _frame.setSize(200,200); _frame.setLayout(null); button1= new Button("Button1"); // Initializing button with text Button1. button1.setBounds(70,100,50,20);// setting button on the frame. _frame.add(button1); // adding button on the frame.; // show() method will display the frame on runtime } public static void main(String args[]) { new ButtonExample(); } }
TextArea is used to display very long text (ex. action logs) to users and it also allows user to enter or edit values in text area.
TextArea text_area = new TextArea();
We can also specify the size of textarea in rows and the columns (maximum characters allowed) by :
TextArea ( int rows, int cols );
import java.awt.*; class TextAreaExample { Frame _frame; TextArea text_area; // declaring text area object TextAreaExample() { _frame= new Frame("Window Title"); _frame.setSize(200,200); _frame.setLayout(null); text_area = new TextArea(); // initializing text area object text_area.setBounds(20,70,150,80); // setting position and height width of textarea _frame.add(text_area); // adding textarea on frame; } public static void main(String args[]) { new TextAreaExample(); } }
We all are familiar with checkbox. They allows user to select one or multiple option.
Checkbox checkbox1= new Checkbox("chekbox1");
import java.awt.*; class CheckboxExample { Frame _frame; Checkbox checkbox1; CheckboxExample() { _frame= new Frame("Window Title"); _frame.setSize(200,200); _frame.setLayout(null); checkbox1= new Checkbox("chekbox1"); // initializing checkbox checkbox1.setBounds(70,100,80,20); _frame.add(checkbox1 ); // adding checkbox on frame; } public static void main(String args[]) { new CheckboxExample(); } }
Radio Button is a group of buttons from which only one button can be selected a time. For creating radio button, we need to add check boxes to checkbox group.
Syntax for Creating CheckboxGroup:
CheckboxGroup checkboxGroup_name = new CheckboxGroup();
import java.awt.*; class RadioButtonExample { Frame _frame; CheckboxGroup chkgp; Checkbox r1,r2; RadioButtonExample() { _frame= new Frame("Window Title"); _frame.setSize(200,200); // The setSize method will set the heigth and width to 400px. _frame.setLayout(null); chkgp = new CheckboxGroup(); // initializing checkbox group // initializing checkbox by passing caption, checkbox group and default value r1 =new Checkbox("FristRadioButton",chkgp, true); r2 =new Checkbox("SecondRadioButton",chkgp, false); r1.setBounds(20,80,130,20); r2.setBounds(100,110,130,20); _frame.add(r1); _frame.add(r2);; //the Show Method is used to show the Frame on screen } public static void main(String args[]) { new RadioButtonExample(); } }
The List presents the user with a scrolling list of text items. The list can be set up so that the user can choose either one item or multiple items.
List list_1 = new List();
adding items in list:
//additem() method is used to add item in list. list_1.addItem("java"); list_1.addItem("JSp"); list_1.addItem("J2ME");
Code for creating list and adding items:
import java.awt.*; class ListExample { Frame _frame; List list_1; ListExample() { _frame = new Frame("Window Title"); _frame.setSize(200,200); // The setSize method will set the heigth and width to 400px _frame.setLayout(null); list_1 = new List(); // intializing list object //adding item in list list_1.addItem("java"); list_1.addItem("JSp"); list_1.addItem("J2ME"); list_1.setBounds(40,70,100,50); _frame.add(list_1);; } public static void main(String args[]) { new ListExample(); } }
Choice (Dropdown or Combo box):
The Choice lets the user choose one of several choices. The current selected choice is displayed as the title of the menu.
Choice choice_name = new Choice();
adding item in choice:
choice.addItem("J2SE"); choice.addItem("J2ME"); choice.addItem("J2EE");
import java.awt.*; class ChoiceExample { Frame _frame; Choice choice; ChoiceExample() { _frame= new Frame("Window Title"); _frame.setSize(200,200); _frame.setLayout(null); choice=new Choice(); // initializing chocie //adding item in choice choice.addItem("J2SE"); choice.addItem("J2ME"); choice.addItem("J2EE"); choice.setBounds(40,70,100,50); _frame.add(choice); // adding choice on frame; } public static void main(String args[]) { new ChoiceExample(); } }
Sunday, November 24, 2013
How to create Frame in AWT
Creating a frame or window is very simple, you just need to initialize an object of Frame class, set some properties and your window is ready to display. Frame class provides two constructors:
1. Frame()
2. Frame(String Title)
First constructor is used to initialize frame object and the second constructor is used to initialize the frame object with title (Title of the window).
Frame _frame = new Frame(); //for creating a window without title Frame _frame = new Frame("Window Title"); // for creating window with title
after initializing frame object we can set height and width of the frame or window by setSize() method.
//setSize(int newWidth, int newHeigth); _frame.setSize(200,300);
after setting the height and width of the frame we can display the form by calling show() method of class Frame.; // it will display the frame on runtime
Here is the complete code for creating and displaying AWT Frame/ Window:
import java.awt.*; // importing awt package class MyWindow { Frame _frame; MyWindow() { _frame = new Frame("Window Title"); _frame.setSize(200,300); // The setSize method will set the heigth and width; //the Show Method is used to show the Frame on screen } public static void main(String args[]) { new MyWindow(); } }
Output of the above program will look like: